What Names Do People Pronounce Incorrectly in Montrose?
So you may be thinking about moving to Montrose Colorado, the gateway to so much beauty. But do you know how to pronounce the town's name? When I first got here some said Mont Rose, like it's two words. Montrose is the way the majority of locals and those coming from other states like myself pronounce it.
Did you have trouble with the word Uncompaghre?
The Uncompahgre River runs through the town and beyond, that was a tougher name for me. The name Umcompahgre comes from the word Uncompaghre which translates to Dirty water or red lake.
What is another tough name? How about Ouray?
Now the town of Ouray which is 30 miles south of Montrose, has been miss pronounced by so many tourists or those new to the Western Slope. I hear (Oh or our ray by some). The town was named after Ouray, a native American chief of the Tabeguache, a band of the ute tribe, which is located in Western Colorado.
Downtown Montrose has some great shops to browse, one with a hard name to pronounce. D'Medici footwear and clothing. I've heard some say De Michi. You will find great shoes and clothes there when you stop into downtown Main street. Now you may come up with a few other places, or even streets I didn't. Have fun in beautiful Montrose Colorado.
What names do you pronounce incorrectly Montrose
Colorado Town Names Out-of-Towners Can Never Pronounce