Montrose Colorado is an easy town to get around in. It takes literally no time to get across town. Well unless kids are getting out of school around 3:30 pm. Also the 5 p.m. after-work traffic on Townsend Ave.

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One annoying area is the roundabouts. Once you are in it, other cars should not cut in front of you. Almost every time I enter one, the car to the right of me doesn't even look and nearly side-swipes me every time. So would a sign be helpful about proper etiquette in a roundabout?


According to Google, Drivers should be ready to stop and let the other driver finish safely. Drivers must also yield to traffic in all lanes of the roundabout, not just in the lane closest to them. Another issue is when I'm waiting to get into the roundabout, the car behind me gets testy. Maybe we need to learn some patience on the road.

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Now don't get me started on the 4-way stops. Especially at San Juan and the corner of  5th street. I've seen so many people running that stop sign area, almost daily. It's not two go at a time. It's one at a time. We live in the beautiful small town of Montrose for a reason. Let's slow down and enjoy the ride.

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