WARNING: Under no circumstances should you enter this property. By doing so you risk bodily harm and/or prosecution for trespassing on private property.

One of Colorado’s most prolific founding fathers, General William Palmer, once owned land that is now abandoned and has hidden tunnels.

History of the Abandoned Colorado Property

General William Jackson Palmer is one of Colorado's most prolific founders and, in addition to doing major things regarding Colorado's coal industry, railroad industry, and steel industry, essentially founded the city of Colorado Springs.

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Palmer owned the property that is now totally abandoned for many years but, according to the videographer that explored the property, it has been abandoned for roughly 60 years by his estimation.

The story also goes that the underground tunnels located on the property had a direct relation to the property being abandoned in the first place. According to legend, Palmer put the tunnels in as aqueducts and when the city of Colorado Springs found out, they cut off the water from the aqueducts which didn't sit well with the Palmers and resulted in the property being abandoned.

Location of Abandoned Colorado Property and Hidden Tunnels

The now-abandoned property that allegedly once belonged to the Palmer family is located at 1065 Mesa Road, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80904.

Things Found on Abandoned Colorado Property

In addition to the secret tunnel system on the property, a lot of other interesting things were found including numerous birdhouses of varying shapes and sizes, two still-standing houses with boarded-up windows, and even a man-made fort hidden in a wooded area of the property.

Take a Virtual Tour of Colorado Pioneer William Palmer's Abandoned Property

Colorado Pioneer’s Former Land is Abandoned + Has Hidden Tunnels

WARNING: Under no circumstances should you enter this property. By doing so you risk bodily harm and/or prosecution for trespassing on private property.

One of Colorado’s most prolific founding fathers, General William Palmer, once owned land that is now abandoned and has hidden tunnels.

Abandoned Colorado Farmhouse Built in 1952 Has Satanic Graffiti

WARNING: Under no circumstances should you enter this property. By doing so you risk bodily harm and/or prosecution for trespassing on private property.

An abandoned farmhouse in Colorado built in 1952 is now completely trashed with signs of possible squatting and satanic graffiti.

Abandoned Colorado House May Be Home to Disturbed Squatter

WARNING: Under no circumstances should you enter this property. By doing so you risk bodily harm and/or prosecution for trespassing on private property.

Disturbing graffiti and recent signs of life suggest that an unstable squatter may be living in an abandoned Colorado home.

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