What is the weather like in Montrose
After being in Montrose for 5 years now, I would have to say the winters are a lot milder than in Lake Tahoe where I moved here from. Lake Tahoe got so much snow. The first time I lived there it was over 500 inches for the 2011-2012 winter.
The average snowfall for Montrose is 33 inches a year. Depending upon where you get your research. I have not seen that much since I've been here.
What is the coldest month in Montrose?
January is definitely the coldest, most days are not over 30 degrees. Around 15 at night. Being that we are in the Mountains, the weather is always subject to change.
What is the hottest month in Montrose?
July for sure it hovers around 85-90 degrees.
Does Montrose get much rain?
On average 12 inches per year, though It's been several years since those totals.
After living in many places, Helena Montana was the coldest in the winter. I remember a week of zero for the high. And January has many days in the negative degrees. Montrose is pretty mild. The last few years have seemed colder to me in December and January, than when I first arrived. I'm also so glad we don't have scorching hot summer days like in Palm Desert, where I also resided for many years.
The beauty on the western slope is endless. I love seeing the snow-capped mountains until July. And we sure don't get all that humidity like many places in the summer. The best time to visit Montrose is anytime. Just pack according to the seasons.
What is the weather like in Montrose
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