What Businesses Need to Come to Montrose
Small-town living has many advantages. Getting around town fairly quickly is one of them. It may be easier to get to know your neighbors. You can ride your Bicycle to and from work or school, (well most of the year here in Montrose). But there is a downside to the amenities side too.
In the five years, I've lived here, I've heard about the closing of Gibson's in the 1990s, the Wild Rose clothing store, and of course, JC Penny's closed in October 2020. So shopping for clothes especially can be tough. So I asked the question what businesses does Montrose Need?
Gladys L.- Something for our Youths to go to and hang out and be safe off the streets.
Kelly K.- Barnes and Noble
Shayne C.- Places for our Youth
Alisha P.- A good place to eat that's not a chain. Home-cooked meals, and offers salad options.
Heidi M.- Chick Fil A, Winco, Leatherby's Ice Cream
You get the point. It's not always fun to have to drive to places you wish you had in your own city. I know there is always shopping online, but I find if I can't try it on it usually doesn't fit. On the upside, we still have a Drive-In theater, which is rare nowadays. We are growing all the time in Montrose, so I can't wait to see what pops up in the next several years.
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