The Leaves are Changing!
The Western slope has so many beautiful Fall colors. Spending more time driving to the many locations, is my favorite Fall adventure.
One of my Favorites is Montrose to Gunnison and just pass Crested Butte to Kebler Pass. The Ride is stunning. Then on to Somerset, which then drops you out in Paoina.
Also if you stop off at Lake City just before Gunnison, the leaves are awesome!
It's best to get out and experience all the fall foilage. Each year the the leaves only get better and better. Recommended time is late September thru late October. It can all depend on how late the Summer hangs on.
What is your favorite drive? I may not have seen them all. Colorado has so much beauty each season. Maybe we will see you on one of the spectaular ones!
Fall Colors
Fall Colors of the Western Slope
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