Montrose Shares Their Favorite Flowers for Valentine’s day
With Valentine's day approaching, do you have your plans made? First, let's talk about flowers. With Roses being the majority favorite, let's see what people in Montrose Colorado have to say:
Want flowers do you want for Valentine's Day?
Brittney B: Roses
Karlie Sue: Lillies
Renee: Stargazer lilies
Leah C.:Tiger Lilies
Would you like to go out to dinner, and get flowers?
A night of no cooking is great, and no dishes. White Orchids are one of my favorite flowers. It takes me back to High School and wearing a corsage at a dance. or even going to the Prom. Those were the days.
There are so many types of flowers to choose from. A bouquet for the house is a great way to warm up a room. Of course flowers for Mother's day, Anniversaries, and Birthdays. Even-handed-picked flowers from a garden are beautiful! Check out these different types of flowers, you may see a favorite you haven't spotted in a long while. Have a wonderful Valentine's day!
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