Ample Angles and a Long Driveway Make This Montrose House a Charm
If you're in the market for a house in Montrose, we've found a new listing you may want to keep an eye on: a charming 2-bedroom on County Road 22. If you love privacy and angles, you may have just found your dream house because this place has both.
This truly is one of the most unique-looking houses we've featured here. In all honesty, the first thing you'll notice about the house isn't even the house, at all. No, you'll be more focused on the eighth-of-a-mile you just drove up the driveway to get there.
You read that correctly: the driveway spans about 220 yards, which is almost two football fields, if you're keeping score at home. What that means is that if you don't want to receive visitors, you don't have to, basically granting you the modern equivalent of a moat. If anyone is willing brave the Lord of the Rings-esque trek to your door, you know they have important business. That or they really need to use the bathroom. Either way, they deserve a cookie.
So, what do you get to enjoy with your newfound privacy? Not only does the general structure of the house accentuate all those wonderful angles, but the interior is quite angular in its own right. Honestly, if you love corners, this house has 'em.
It also has a large basement that, if I'm honest, really creeps me out. It looks like basically every horror movie basement ever, and did I mention how secluded the property was? Look, I'm not saying that anyone actually has hidden a body in that basement; I'm just saying that you could if you wanted to. Check out the gallery below if you don't believe me and the listing at that's somehow appealing.