Grand Junction Colorado Wants Answers To These Questions
Is there a singular question that has lingered in your mind for decades? Is there something you've been dying to ask? People in Grand Junction, Colorado would like a direct answer to these questions.
I asked on Facebook, "If you could ask one person one question and they had to answer truthfully, who and what would you ask?" Here's what you had to say."

Asking The Big Questions
The blog The Big Questions with Steven E. Landsburg addresses topics like:
- Adventures In The Rental Market
- Trump and Tax Returns
- Regulating Rudeness
- Nakamoto Meets Pigou
Personally, I was thinking a little bit closer to home. The question was aimed at gaining some insight into our personal lives with input from those who know us well.
Questions To Ask Your Parents
The website Modern Mom Life recommends you ask your parents these questions:
- If you could change one thing about your life what would it be and why?
- What is one thing you know to be true?
- What is your hope for your children/grandchildren?
- What are your fears?
- What was the best gift I ever gave you?
- What are the 3 happiest times in your life?
- What did I do as a child that frustrated you and what did I do that you loved?
If You Could Ask Anyone Anything
Now that's a great big blank check. Imagine if you could ask anyone anything. You could get philosophical or answer some of history's biggest mysteries once and for all.
Rather than dwelling on it, I decided to ask you. A few answers are humorous, others deep and insightful. All are right out of your mouths.
This Is What Grand Junction, Colorado Wants To Ask
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