This is the Most Grand Junction Will Pay for a Burger & Fries
The cost of dining out has gone up more than a little in recent years. For the most part, the price of everything has gone up. When it comes to heading out to your favorite burger joint in Grand Junction, how much are you willing to pay?
I asked on Facebook, "What's the most you're willing to pay for a burger & fries (and drink) in Grand Junction?" Here's a look at what you had to say.

Prices Going Up at Popular Burger Joints
Money Geek did a study for the year 2022 and found the price of a burger, fries, and a soda at McDonald's, the chain selling more burgers than anyone, will run you about $6.19. That price represents a price increase of 11.5% from 2021 to 2022.
How About The 'Other Guys' and Girls?
Money Geek reports that Five Guys, a popular burger place now open in Grand Junction, averages $19.95 for a burger, fries, and drink. Wendy's price increase for the same combo went up 18.9%.
A 'Whopper' of an Increase
The highest price increase among the popular chains in America comes courtesy of Burger King. The Home of the Whopper's price for a burger/fry/drink combo went from $6.76 in 2021 to $8.18 in 2022.
Not a Complaint... Just An Observation
This is in no way a complaint on my part. The cost of nearly everything has gone up. The cost of advertising on our stations and web pages has increased in the last two years, too. Nothing is immune to what's going on in the world.
I'm a huge supporter of any and all local businesses. That, of course, includes restaurants. They provide an essential function, offer employment, hire outside services, and contribute significantly to the local economy. If finances permit, I would visit restaurants far more often than I do.
What We Can Afford
Check out the gallery below, and you'll notice a few consistencies. Many of us put the ceiling as to what we're willing to spend somewhere around $15. Those satisfied with fast food set the price limit a bit lower.
Many who replied mentioned that dining out is no longer factored into their budget. They simply can't afford it. Check out the gallery below, and you'll see that many have opted to cook at home, both for cost and quality.
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