Fall Bug Issues and Rodents on The Western Slope
If you have lived in Colorado for any amount of time you know the Elm bugs can be an issue. They are not easy to get rid of either. Indoors they are best managed to vacuum them. Spraying their nest with water is supposed to work as well. Make sure to seal cracks and crevices of buildings as well.
They are such a nuisance. They actually love my work area and have sampled my coffee many times.
Another fall creature I despise is mice. Make sure they do not have ways to enter your house or property. They most likely get in by your water heater or underneath your house. New construction can be an issue as well.
The House I live in now had an opening in the roof, where a bird got in the wall. Luckily my Handyman released the bird, but not without a lot of effort and diagnosis.
Happy fall, beware of insects and rodents.