Popular Seized Colorado Restaurant Re-Opens With Awesome Updated Look
Seven months after being seized by the city, this popular Colorado Main Street fast-food favorite is officially back open with a fantastic updated look.

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What's Up With The Taco Bell In Windsor, Colorado?
We broke the news here back in February that the Main Street Taco Bell in Windsor was seized due to non-payment of sales tax and the town of Windsor's certificate of registration was revoked. We were happy to see some action around the old Taco Bell back in April and now it's finally back open with a fresh new look!
Windsor, Colorado Taco Bell Back Open Wish A Fresh New Look!
The Windsor Taco Bell is back open with a fresh updated look that's been long overdue. Have you been inside yet? Here's what you'll see!
Now that Taco Bell is back open, what other fast food restaurants is Windsor in need of? My first choice would be Chipotle, followed by Chick-Fil-A for sure. We'll also take our own In-N-Out too! Not that we're greedy or anything! Speaking of In-N-Out...
The Loveland, Colorado In-N-Out Construction Is Finally Happening
The old Mimi's Cafe location has been demolished, and construction has begun at its former site for the new Loveland In-N-Out. It seems to be moving pretty quickly as you can see in the pictures taken just recently.
In-N-Out In Thornton Is Now Open. How Long Are Wait Times?
We went to the new In-N-Out in Thornton. Here's how long our wait time was and how our overall first experience went.
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