Colorado Rated One of Best States to Start New Businesses
Starting a new business can be a costly venture. 45% of new businesses fail within the first five years.

Is starting a new business in Colorado worth your time, money, and effort? It is.
Simplify LLC ranked the country's most and least expensive states to start a business. Colorado, the centennial state, was ranked the 2nd cheapest state to start a business.
Why Is Colorado One of the Best States to Start A New Business?
A big reason is the minimal cost of launching a new company. It only costs $50 to start an LLC in Colorado, and overall, the expenses are business owner-friendly.
Also, Simplify LLC says the corporate tax income rate is much lower than in other states nationwide.
Your Dream Could Come True In Colorado
Right now might be the best time to consider chasing your business dream. Have you been going back and forth on whether or not to launch the business of your dreams? Do you want to do things your way?
You Should Go After Your Dreams Right Now
If I have learned anything from the pandemic, it is that people can create a business from nearly everything.
For example, I spent three hours watching a person on TikTok make custom rugs inspired by the show The Simpsons.
Don't Expect To Make the Next Google or Apple
Small businesses are thriving right now across the country. 99.9% of all businesses across America are considered small businesses. I do not say this to discourage you. I am saying this to celebrate the fact that our country is full of amazing opportunities for you.
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