Colorado Ranks Pretty High For Singles. What Are The Reasons?
It's almost "single's awareness month" around Colorado, and according to this new survey, our state ranks pretty high for single folks. Why is Colorado so good for single people?

Colorado Ranks High For Singles
I've been married for almost 10 years so I'm not too familiar with the current singles or dating scene around Colorado in 2023. I love being married, I found my person, but for some, being single and ready to mingle is the way to go. If you live in Colorado, the single life is actually ranked fairly high, but why?
Why Is Colorado Good For Single People?
When asking why it's better to live in Colorado when you're single, a lot of things come to mind. Although Colorado is pretty expensive to live here these days, compared to many other states, It's not as impossible to afford rent or a mortgage when you're solo, and still have a little fun money left over. That's one of the many reasons that WalletHub named Colorado as one of the better states for single people. What else did they look at?
This study didn't just look at cost of living, but it also looked at job wages to insure you have some extra money after bills get paid to go out on dates, and be at places where you could potentially meet your special someone. How many dating opportunities are in Colorado? How many single people are here? How are the online and mobile dating pools? What's the crime rate like? After looking at those key factors and many others, they ranked colorado as the 12th best state for single people. California ranked as the very best place to be if you're single, and West Virginia ranked as the very worst. Our neighbor to the North, Wyoming, was ranked pretty low too coming it at number 47 out of 50. Here's the full map.
Map Of The Best States For Single People
Do you agree with Colorado's ranking? Do people maybe love it here because of all of these awesome movies that were filmed here? Maybe not, but this list is pretty awesome.
20 Awesome Movies Filmed in Colorado
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