Reddit Thinks It Knows Why People in Boulder Love Subarus
Colorado is full of unique towns and cities, all with their own individual flair. However, one seems to stick out above the rest: Boulder.
The city is full of beautiful landmarks and recreational opportunities, but you can't deny that it's also a little quirky — there's a reason it's known as The People's Republic.
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Boulder's most notable quirk might be its resident's love of the Subaru. Sure, this applies to lots of Colorado, but Boulderites take their affinity for the car to another level.
This video might give you an idea of what we mean (careful, it contains strong language and is not safe for work).
So, why does Boulder love the Subaru so much? Reddit thinks it has the answer.
u/Bluecap33 posed the question in the r/Boulder thread and got lots of feedback. While some people offered tongue-in-cheek responses, others observed that the Subaru love comes down to two factors: affordability and all-wheel drive.
Cheap AWD with some ground clearance, which fits the outdoorsiness of this place.
The cars are solid, safe, and have AWD.

Great in the snow. Simple engines that last forever. Decent clearance and decent storage space. Can get down many 4x4 roads in the area.
Snow and affordability. That's it.
It seems like Boulder residents are actually pretty smart for investing in Subarus. Still, this is Ram Country, so we have to give them some grief — check out five Fort Collins things that would never happen in Boulder in the gallery below.
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