Where Do You Workout in Montrose?
Winter is winding down, and Spring is on the way next week. Well, Colorado may start spring a little later. Have you worked out over the winter? I don't know about you, but the winter makes me the laziest.
Do you still go to the gym in the winter months?
I have an exercise bike and try to use it daily. I notice I'm not as motivated in the winter season. It would be nice to attend a workout class at the gym to motivate me.
What motivates you to work out?
Feeling low on energy. If I skip a day of exercise, I feel sluggish. Exercise relieves stress, and just makes for a healthier lifestyle.
Are you watching too much Television?
I know I do, I have too many favorite shows. But it's important to move around. It's easy to just sit in front of the TV.
Whatever your routine is, working out takes discipline and dedication. The rewards are endless. Your mood will improve, and you may even sleep better. Here's a list of places to work out in Montrose. Even taking a much-needed walk is great. Just 15 minutes a day is better than nothing.