The Smallest City In Utah Has Only 149 People
When I first moved to St. George, Utah from Las Vegas, I was under the impression that St. George was a tiny town. I was wrong.
St. George is actually the 5th largest city in the state, and is growing every day.
Wanna see what a TRULY small town in Utah looks like? Well look no further than the bustling metropolis known as Tabiona, Utah.
The entire city sits on just 67 acres of land. And with an area that tiny, it is easily the smallest city in the state.
According to most recent estimates, only 149 people live in Tabiona. To put that in perspective, you could fit the entire city into one Denny's.
So you may be thinking to yourself, "why would someone live in Tabiona?"
Are you kidding me?! Tabiona is where it's at! Let me show you around!
There are plenty of things to do in Tabiona. For one thing, you could go to a rodeo at the Tabiona Rodeo Grounds!
Or, you can hang with all the cool kids at Tabiona School. You'll notice that it's not called Tabiona high School, or middle school, or elementary school. Just Tabiona School. That means all grades K through 12 are in one building.
Last year's graduating class had a whopping 14 graduates, and the school comprises of kids from surrounding areas to a total of about 190 students.
Looking for a bite to eat and a cool place to hang? Well, look no further than Tabiona's only restaurant, The Sage Brush Inn Cafe.
Not only can you get a killer burger and a mean bowl of chili, you can catch up on all the gossip going around town. I mean, I assume there's a lot of gossip considering everybody knows everybody.
Rodeos and Rumor Mills not enough action for you? Well, you can always go to the hottest place in town every Sunday morning and Wednesday night. The Tabiona LDS church.
What's that you say? You're a Lutheran? Too bad! Moving on.
If you still haven't had enough action, you can check out this place. It's an abandoned chimney with a historical marker on it.
Now before you get on my case and say that I'm making fun of historical markers, I will have you know that I am genuinely, truly super pumped whenever I find a historical marker. So the joke is on you, Mr. Judgypants.
So now that you've had your fill of excitement for one day, it's time to get back on the freeway and think about all the good times we had hanging out in Utah's tiniest town, Tabiona.

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