The 2023 Montrose Wine And Food Festival
The Montrose Wine and Food Festival is on June 17th this year. It's also at a new location. At the Montrose Rotary Amphitheater. I've attended them at The Bridges Golf Course and the Montrose Events Center over the past few years.
This is one of the big fundraisers for the Black Canyon Boys and Girls Club. They also have a Crab Crack in November, the weekend before Thanksgiving. Both events are so fun.
The event has a lot of planning that goes into it, and Bud Taylor is just the guy for the job. I spent some time with him at the all-new location of the Black Canyon Boys and Girls Club at 1869 E. Main Street, which use to be San Juan Cinema.
The new Black Canyon Boys and Girls Club location has many fun activities for after-school kids, and the summer program too. Bud enjoys making sure the kids have a safe after-school place to learn and have fun too. Stop by for a tour of the new building, it's fun to see the old theater building, and what they are doing with it. Make your plans now to attend the Montrose Wine and Food and Festival on June 17th at Montrose Rotary Amphitheater off Shanes Way. Check out their website for all the details at www.bcbgc.org.