SECRET SOCIETIES: Explore an Abandoned Masonic Temple in Colorado
WARNING: Under no circumstances should you enter this property. By doing so you risk bodily harm and/or prosecution for trespassing on private property.
The freemasons or 'masons' are a society with chapters spread out around the globe and are shrouded in secrecy.
If you're not a member of the masons it's likely that you have no idea what goes on inside their meeting places which are known as 'Masonic Temples' and, moreover, have most likely never seen inside one of them.

However, because an old Masonic Temple in Colorado has been completely abandoned and left to rot, we now get to peer inside and gather some of what once went on in the former meeting place of the secret society.
Location of the Abandoned Masonic Temple in Colorado
While it's unclear exactly where in Colorado the abandoned Masonic Temple is, some have speculated that it is located in Victor, Colorado, which is currently not far from being a full-blown ghost town in itself.
What's Inside the Colorado Masonic Temple?
While trespassing on private property is prohibited, people have stepped foot inside the abandoned Masonic Temple in Colorado and have given us a glimpse of what exactly goes on inside these secretive gathering places.
For example, there is a large theater-like room with a podium in the front and chairs lining the walls. As far as what the members of the society talked about, we still don't know.
However, we do know that they ate meals there as there is a dining hall in the building with a dated kitchen and what appears to be an intercom in the dining area as well.
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