Here is an update on a story we brought you several months ago about a young Grand Junction woman whose life was dramatically and permanently changed following a horrible accident on the job.

It was December 13, 2022 when a nearly two-ton 50-foot beam crushed the leg and left hand of Grand Junction's Allie Dorsey. Thankfully, Allie survived, but, her lower leg was damaged beyond repair. Doctors are still trying to save her hand. Her mother, Julie Dorsey reached out to me with an update on Allie's road to recovery.

Here's How the Accident Happened

Allie had just started a new job at Great Western Buildings 10 days earlier. She had removed a clamp from the crane - and it caught the edge tipping the beam. The falling beam cut all the way through her leg and crushed her left hand.

Julie Dorsey/Allie Dorsey by permission
Julie Dorsey/Allie Dorsey by permission

Allie's Miracle Of Survival

The most important fact of the story is that Allie survived this horrific accident. She easily could have bled to death. Julie says there was no tourniquet in the building where she was working. Grand Junction police officers brought two tourniquets and Allie received 12 bags of blood during her first surgery. The family is extremely grateful to the police department and first responders for saving Allie's life.

Julie Dorsey/Allie Dorsey by permission
Julie Dorsey/Allie Dorsey by permission

A New Leg For Allie

Another bit of good news is that Allie just got her first stiff prosthetic leg. When she is unable to use her new leg, she gets around with a walker or a wheelchair. It's a huge adjustment.

Julie Dorsey/Allie Dorsey by permission
Julie Dorsey/Allie Dorsey by permission

The Challenge of Getting Back Home

It's been a difficult journey for Allie, who has been so active in her life in many ways including being an avid motocross racer, car builder, rock climber, welder, and lifeguard. One of the challenges before her at the moment is being able to return to her home with her pets.

Remodeling is necessary in order for her to be able to function at home -including the bathroom and the obstacles in her home with steps. Unfortunately, there has been a hold-up with workman's comp and Allie can't return to her 1937 home until she can independently use the bathroom -which presently has an 18" door. There's no way to get through the door with a walker or a wheelchair.

Julie Dorsey/Allie Dorsey by permission
Julie Dorsey/Allie Dorsey by permission

More Surgeries To Repair Shattered Hand

While Allie has a new prosthetic leg, one of the biggest challenges physically involves her shattered hand, which Julie says was never set correctly by doctors immediately following the accident. (That procedure did not take place in Grand Junction) She is now getting treatment in Vail, where they will set her knuckles, use bone graphs, and do extensive hand reconstruction. Presently, Allie has less than 5% movement in any fingers.

In the photo above, on the left side is an image of the crushed left hand, and on the right side is an image of her uninjured right hand. In the photo below, you can see how severely Allie's hand has been injured.

Julie Dosey/Allie Dorsey by permission
Julie Dosey/Allie Dorsey by permission

You Can Help Allie On Her Road To Recovery

As you can see, it's been a tough road for Allie over the past few months, but, her mom says she is staying positive. A GoFundMe has been established to help Allie deal with the expenses related to her terrible injuries and the long recovery process. Whatever you can do to help is greatly appreciated - both financially and prayerfully. We are hoping that the day will come when we see Allie back on her bike and enjoying her active lifestyle.

Allie's family is so grateful for the support she has received from the community. Julie told me "Honestly we just want to thank the community for surrounding her with so much love and support."

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