The 2024 Road Trip Coloradans Need to Take if They Love Fly Fishing
It's going to be a great year for fishing in Colorado, but a beautiful road trip out of state, could provide a great bounty.
If you love the catching (and eating) fish such as brown trout, rainbow trout, bass, and others, you may be getting ready to reel some in. In 2024, there's going to be an event that will bring some of the best bait, and a road trip to catch a lot of fish.
Colorado is definitely known for its spectacular outdoors, but here comes a road trip you may want to take, especially if you love successful fly fishing.
Why is 2024 a Great Year for Fly Fishing?
Some will say, "any day fishing is a great day," but for 2024 is going to be about "all the cicadas." Fish love cicadas and they make great bait. 2024 is set to be a big year for cicadas coming out.
Isn't the Big Cicada Emergence Happening More to the East?
While it's true that two very large Periodical cicada "broods" will be emerging (at the same, for the first time since 1803) in the eastern and southern part of the nation, you can count on seeing them elsewhere.

Those who love fishing and adventure will tell you that Flaming Gorge Reservoir in northeast Utah will be the place for Coloradans to visit in 2024.
How Popular is Flaming Gorge Reservoir?
With over 200,000 acres within the red canyon walls, Coloradans have found dozens of ways to have fun at Flaming Gorge for many years; including boating, river rafting, waterskiing, and of course fly fishing in the Green River.
I've been told by lovers of Flaming Gorge that you will find "billions" of cicadas as you travel to the area. "They 'blackout' the highway; you can hear them crunching under your tires."
Those cicadas make for the best bait.
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When is the Best Time of Year for Fly Fishing at Flaming Gorge?
Spring is noted as being the best time of year.
From Spinner Fall:
The Spring is arguably the very best time of year to fly fish the Green River in Utah.
Cicadas show up almost every year in early May, with some years their presence being the trouts main focus.
Why Not Add More to the Road Trip?
One hour south of Flaming Gorge, Utah, you'll find the Dinosaur National Monument, the fossil quarry that spans across Utah and Colorado.
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Gallery Credit: Waylon Jordan
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Gallery Credit: Waylon Jordan