When People Leave Colorado, What States Are They Moving To?
We already know that the State of Colorado is like a magnet for people from all across the country the last several years, mostly people from California and Texas, among other states across the western U.S.
But for as many people as moved here in 2023, nearly the name number of people left, believe it or not.
State to state migration is a pretty interesting statistic, and shows that in 2023, Colorado saw a positive net result, with 232,663 people moving here compared to only 211,370 moving somewhere else from here. That's a net gain of roughly 21,000 people.
But where do the people leaving think is a better place to live than Colorado? Ironically, the same places everyone else seems to be coming from: California and Texas. Oh, and Florida. Everyone eventually moves to Florida. I think that's part of the handbook you're given when you're born.
Here's the top five states people moved to, from Colorado, in 2023:
1. California
2. Texas
3. Florida
4. Arizona
5. Nevada
Or if you want a deeper drill down of people moving from Fort Collins specifically to other cities in other states of the U.S., here's some interesting data for you to check out.
The Top 13 Places People Move When Leaving Fort Collins
Gallery Credit: Chris Kelly
13 Things People Say When They Hear You're From Colorado
Gallery Credit: Chris Kelly