A teen has refused to acknowledge his brother's marriage since he wasn't invited to the wedding due to his age.

"His wife decided it would be inappropriate to have anyone under 21 at their wedding since they would be serving alcohol and didn’t want any 'minors' to get drunk at their wedding. I thought this was a bulls--t excuse, but that’s what they told me, and that’s what they’re sticking to," the 19-year-old began on Reddit.

He admitted he was "hurt" by their decision to not allow him at the ceremony.

"I asked them to reconsider a couple of times and they refused every time. I could tell they were getting aggravated after a while so I just stopped complaining and stopped caring about their wedding in general," the teen added.

READ MORE: Teen Conflicted About Skipping Family Wedding for Concert

After the wedding, his brother wanted his entire family to go out to eat to celebrate his marriage, but the teen "refused to go."

"When asked why, I gave everyone the same answer: I didn’t see the need to celebrate something I wasn’t even invited to. At the time, my parents didn’t say much and kind of respected my decision until my brother and his wife got upset at dinner when they realized I wasn’t there. I had already TOLD them I wasn’t going to go, so I have no idea why they expected me to show up," the teen recalled.

After dinner, his brother and sister-in-law texted him to let him know "they were upset that I couldn’t spare some time so the whole family could be there to celebrate with them."

"My parents are trying to remain neutral, but I think they believe I’m wrong. They told me they see why I didn’t go but that it wouldn’t have hurt me to go and celebrate with my brother, especially since I wasn’t the only one not invited on our side," he concluded.

READ MORE: Woman Refuses to Attend Niece’s Out-of-State Wedding Due to Financial Concerns, Past Manipulation

Users in the comments applauded the young man for sticking up for himself, with many slamming his brother's awful behavior.

"With all due respect, your brother's a jerk for allowing this behavior and his wife is acting with such stupidity. Not to mention, you were 18, you were not a minor. Not only was she being stupid with this decision, the assumption that you would come and get drunk at your brother's wedding is straight up disrespectful," one person wrote.

"It was rude, hurtful, and silly of them not to invite you. I also think it’s kind of ridiculous that they had a follow-up dinner to celebrate their wedding and demanded everybody attend. Who does that? Their actual wedding and reception weren’t enough? I feel like they need to be the center of attention all the time," another commented.

"That's just mean to exclude a sibling who (I’m assuming) hasn’t done anything wrong. Also, your parents are complicit in this. If you truly are just an innocent 18-year-old then wtf. How you can blatantly exclude a family member. Their priorities are clearly telling you it’s their world and you’re just livin' in it," someone else shared.

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