The year 2022 will come to an end in a matter of hours. How was your year? I asked people in Grand Junction, Colorado to describe the year in three words.

Some replies were positive. Others were negative. A few are downright heartbreaking. Here's how our friends, family, and neighbors in Grand Junction chose to sum up the year.

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Grand Junction, Colorado Describes 2022 In Three Words

When you want to get answers, it can be wise to take your question to Facebook. I was reflecting on the year 2022. For the most part, it wasn't as eventful as I had hoped. If that's my biggest complaint, I guess my year was pretty good.

I was curious how your 2022 unfolded, so I asked on FacebooK:

Facebook Engagement Question
Facebook / Canva

Grand Junction Comes In At About 50/50

Check out the gallery below and you'll find the replies run about 50/50 when it comes to positive versus negative. Clearly, some people survived a year of heartbreak, illness, and tragedy.

On the other side of the coin are those who felt 2022 was the "Best Year Ever." A number of people replied with that sentiment.

When it was all said and done, even those who struggled through 2022, described it as a year of personal growth.

Subtle Hints Within The Replies

A few who replied did so with clever three-word messages that may not make sense on the surface. One reply read, "The Denver Broncos." Given the crushing defeats suffered by the Broncos, one can only assume this statement implies a difficult, agonizing year.

Several people replied with "Let's Go Brandon." If you're not familiar with this, it's a Rated G version of a certain political view you'll hear people chant from time to time.

We All Have One Thing In Common

Whether you had a good 2022, a bad 2022, or a "meh" 2022, if you were able to reply to the Facebook post, you were fortunate enough to have survived another year.

Grand Junction Colorado Sums Up the Year 2022 In Three Words

The year 2022 has come to an end. How was your year? I asked on Facebook, "Describe the year 2022 in three words." Here's what you had to say.

Western Colorado People Enjoying Their Lives - Robert Grant Photos Found In a Box

Here's another gallery showcasing Robert Grant photos from Grand Junction and Western Colorado. These were found in a box marked "People Identified." Images in this gallery range from the 1950s up to 1985.

Weird Qualities We Find Attractive In Grand Junction Colorado

Do find yourself attracted to some of the little quirks people have. Are you drawn to unusual physical attributes? I asked on Facebook, "What's the weirdest quality you find attractive?" Here's what you had to say.

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