This Northern Colorado City Is One of the Fastest Growing in America
Northern Colorado is getting more crowded every day. I recently looked at old photos of downtown Fort Collins, and it is remarkable to see how far Fort Collins, Colorado, has come while preserving the same spirit.

Fort Collins is going to continue to grow at a rapid pace. Fort Collins is experiencing a surge in population, and as a result, construction zones are an extremely common sight.
Colorado College Town is a "Boomtown"
That is because Fort Collins is the 12th fastest-growing city in America. Chekr made the ranking, and Fort Collins is the only Colorado city on the list.
Chekr called Fort Collins, and other cities, a boomtown.
You might be wondering what a boomtown is. This is Chekr's definition.
A boomtown refers to a city that experiences rapid economic growth and development within a relatively short period. These cities and towns often undergo a significant population increase and witness a surge in economic activity due to various factors.
You Can Feel the Growth, Too, Right?
I live in Fort Collins, and there is a sense of excitement in the air. There are so many people discovering what makes Colorado great, and the excitement is contagious.
Some might say that the buzz comes from Fort Collins being a college town, and although that is a factor, college students are not the reason why Fort Collins is a boomtown.
I am excited to see how Fort Collins grows in the next ten years. It is fun to speculate what types of homes and residences will be in Fort Collins in the next decade.