Colorado Moms Share Unsettling Things Kids Said to Them
They say that kids say the darnedest things. In fact, you may remember a TV show that used that phrase as its title which featured young humans saying whimsical things that came off the top of their little heads, which made for pretty great entertainment.
However, sometimes the things that come out of children's mouths can be quite unsettling. If you haven't seen it firsthand, it's likely that you've heard stories of young children talking about things like past lives or paranormal activity that the adults in the room were completely oblivious to.

Curious, I posted a question on Facebook asking what scary, crazy, or funny things children have said to you and got three quite unsettling responses from three Colorado mothers.
Colorado Kid: I Died There
A very creepy story of a child saying something unsettling comes from a Colorado grandmother by the name of Bonnie. Bonnie retold a story of driving in the car with her granddaughter when the young girl pointed to a field and uttered something that likely brought a chill to her grandmother's spine:
Colorado Kid: Did You See That Guy?
Another creepy story comes from Amy whose 5-year-old son at the time apparently saw a supernatural being in their home:
Colorado Kid: Hey Mom, Did You Know...?
Finally, Becky's kids spilled some information that wasn't necessarily creepy, but just not safe. Let's face it, sometimes parents are just better off not knowing about certain crazy things that their children have done:
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