Everybody loves a good TV show, no matter how much they tell you that they don't watch TV. That's a lie: you absolutely do watch TV, unless you've somehow come up with a better word to describe that thing you're streaming on Netflix right now. Make no mistake, despite the 'cord-cutting' that seems to be all the rage these days, the rise of streaming just means that more people are watching more TV than at any time in my life, at the very least.

To put that another way: somebody had to be watching Netflix's Wednesday because it certainly wasn't me. Even though I didn't watch it, I don't get the appeal, and I have no desire to ever give it a chance, there are plenty of people who disagree and would say it's their favorite show. There's clearly something wrong with them, but that's not the point here.

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The point is that we all have our favorite everything, especially TV shows and movies. Have you ever wondered what show the people of Colorado watch the most? Well, luckily we live in the future, so it's easier than ever to answer that question. That being said, and TV shows no longer being the societal experience they were at the end of the '90s, the odds are pretty good that you already know the answer, and you just clapped four times.

Yes, Friends is the most popular TV show in Colorado, according to Zippia, and shocking absolutely nobody. In fact, it holds the distinction of being America's favorite show, technically. It was the most common show listed, being named the favorite in 12 states - more than any other show. Apparently, "I'll Be There for You," was more of a mission statement than a catchy theme song.

What? You were expecting maybe Yellowstone?

Our Childhood Celebrity Crushes In Grand Junction Colorado

It's safe to say that most if not all of us experienced some kind of celebrity crush at one point or another during our youth. Perhaps it was an actor or actress. Then again, maybe it was a musical artist.

I asked on Facebook, "Who was your childhood actor/actress crush?" For this gallery, your replies were copied and pasted, appearing here exactly as they looked in your replies.

24 Record/Vinyl Shops in Colorado

They may be small shops, they may be VERY small shops, but they all have their own "heart," and they all have vinyl in their soul. 

The 10 Drunkest Towns In Colorado

The website Roadsnacks asks the question: Is there anything wrong with being called the drunkest city in your state?

According to Vinepair, when it comes to consuming beer, Colorado came in 18th in the nation for the year 2022. The site states Coloradans drank a total of 122.1 million gallons of beer last year.

If you were to break down the state town by town, which one is the "drunkest"?

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