In case you did not know this, special things are happening at Grand Junction's Mesa Mall. In just a couple of weeks, the mall will welcome a spring arrival who will set up shop near Cabellas and HomeGoods.

We are indeed here to talk about the stores we wish would move into our beloved Mesa Mall, but we would regret it all spring if we did not offer one quick tidbit of mall fun before we get to our Colorado wish list.

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Who is Coming to Mesa Mall in March?

The Easter Bunny returns to Mesa Mall from March 24th to April 8th. Appointments are required. You can find more information here. We hope you end up with a fun bunny moment.

Restaurants We Wish Would Come to Mesa Mall

Who doesn't love to eat at the mall? From pizza to warm cookies, it's never easy to walk past the food court without stopping to eat. What new additions would you like to see in the food court? Open our station app and chat with us. Would you want to see a sit-down restaurant in the mall with a full bar?

Colorado Wants More Toy Stores

It's really something how the great toy stores of previous generations are a thing of the past. We had plenty of answers about increasing the fun factor at Mesa Mall for kids. You want more toy stores, and more stores with stuff kids want and need.

Scroll on to see the stores we wish we had now in western Colorado, and the ones we miss the most from days gone by.

20 Stores that People Want at Grand Junction's Mesa Mall

Which stores would you like to see added to Grand Junction's Mesa Mall in 2023? Would it be a retail store, a restaurant, or a specialty shop? Scroll on to see the twenty stores you told us you would love to see added in the months ahead.

KEEP GOING: These Were Our Favorite Stores at Grand Junction's Mesa Mall

If you lived in Grand Junction, Colorado back in the 1980s, you spent your time hanging out at Mesa Mall. That's what we used to do - hang out at the mall. I asked on Facebook, "Which store/venue at Mesa Mall did you spend the most time at back in the 1980s?" Here's what you had to say:

MORE: What is Your Favorite Food Item You Can't Get in Colorado?

We asked you about your favorite food items that can be hard to find in Colorado. Tell us about something you love to eat that just isn't available in Colorado like it is in other places. Scroll on to find out what the Western Slope misses the most.

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